Documentation of the core library of GPAC
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.BufferOccupancyBuffer occupancy object
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.DASHCustomAlgorithmDASH custom algo Upon successful binding to the dashin filter, the object will be assigned a list member called groups, containing the declared group for the active period
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.DASHGroupDASH group object
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.DASHQualityInfoDASH media quality information (Representation info)
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.DASHSRDDASH Spatial Relation Descriptor object, used for tiling
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FileIOFileIO object for file IO callbacks from libgpac
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FilterFilter object
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FilterPacketFilter packet object
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FilterPidObject representing a PID of a custom filter
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FilterSessionFilter session object - see GF_FilterSession
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.FilterTaskTask object for user callbacks from libgpac scheduler
 CGF_BaseInterfaceBase Interface
 CGF_BBox3D Bounding Box
 CGF_ColorKeyColor Key descriptor
 CGF_ColorMatrixColor matrix object
 CGF_DashSettingsCustom dash pattern The custom dash pattern object is used to specify custom dashes when outlining a path
 CGF_FileEnumInfoFileEnum info object
 CGF_InterfaceRegisterInterface Registry
 CGF_IRectPixel-aligned rectangle
 CGF_LogExtraExtra log instructions
 CGF_Matrix3D matrix
 CGF_Matrix2D2D matrix
 CGF_MutexAbstracted mutex object
 CGF_Path2D Path Object
 CGF_PathIteratorPath iterator
 CGF_PenSettingsPen properties
 CGF_PlanePlane object
 CGF_Point2D2D point
 CGF_Ray3D Ray
 CGF_RectRectangle 2D
 CGF_SemaphoreAbstracted semaphore object
 CGF_SLConfigMPEG-4 Object Descriptor Framework Sync Layer
 CGF_SocketAbstracted socket object
 CGF_SockGroupAbstracted socket group object
 CGF_SystemRTInfoRun-time system info object
 CGF_ThreadAbstracted thread object
 CGF_TimeCodeTimecode type
 CGF_Vec3D point or vector
 CGF_Vec44D vector
 CGF_VideoSurfaceVideo framebuffer object
 CGF_WindowVideo Window object
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.GLTextureInfoOpenGL texture info
 Cpython.libgpac.libgpac.HTTPOutRequestHTTP request handler object
 Cimplements WebGLRenderingContextBase
 CJSDASHDownloadStatsJSDASHDownloadStats API
 CJSDASHQualityJSDASHQuality Object
 CJSFilterJSFilter API
 CJSFilterSessionJSFilterSession API
 CJSHTTPHeaderJSHTTPHeader Object