Documentation of the core library of GPAC
Data Structures | |
struct | yuv_coefs |
Functions | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glActiveTexture) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glClientActiveTexture) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBlendEquation) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glPointParameterf) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glPointParameterfv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGenBuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDeleteBuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBindBuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBufferData) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBufferSubData) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glMapBuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUnmapBuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCreateProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDeleteProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glLinkProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUseProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCreateShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDeleteShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glShaderSource) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCompileShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glAttachShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDetachShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetShaderiv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetInfoLogARB) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetUniformLocation) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetUniformfv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetUniformiv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform1f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform2f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform3f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform4f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform1i) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform2i) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform3i) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform4i) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform1fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform2fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform3fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform4fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform1iv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform2iv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform3iv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniform4iv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix2fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix3fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix4fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix2x3fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix3x2fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix2x4fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix4x2fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix3x4fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glUniformMatrix4x3fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetProgramiv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetProgramInfoLog) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetAttribLocation) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBindFramebuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glFramebufferTexture2D) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGenFramebuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGenRenderbuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBindRenderbuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glRenderbufferStorage) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glFramebufferRenderbuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDeleteFramebuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDeleteRenderbuffers) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCheckFramebufferStatus) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBlendColor) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBlendEquationSeparate) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBlendFuncSeparate) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCompressedTexImage2D) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glCompressedTexSubImage2D) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGenerateMipmap) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetShaderInfoLog) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetShaderSource) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetActiveAttrib) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetActiveUniform) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetAttachedShaders) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glBindAttribLocation) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glIsBuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glIsFramebuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glIsProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glIsRenderbuffer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glIsShader) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glSampleCoverage) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glStencilFuncSeparate) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glStencilOpSeparate) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glStencilMaskSeparate) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glValidateProgram) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib1fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib1f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib2f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib2fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib3f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib3fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib4f) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttrib4fv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetBufferParameteriv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetVertexAttribiv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetVertexAttribfv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetVertexAttribPointerv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glGetRenderbufferParameteriv) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glEnableVertexAttribArray) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glDisableVertexAttribArray) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttribPointer) | |
GLDECL_FUNC (glVertexAttribIPointer) | |
void | gf_opengl_init () |
Bool | gf_gl_txw_insert_fragment_shader (u32 pix_fmt, const char *tx_name, char **f_source, Bool y_flip) |
Bool | gf_gl_txw_setup (GF_GLTextureWrapper *tx, u32 pix_fmt, u32 width, u32 height, u32 stride, u32 uv_stride, Bool linear_interp, GF_FilterFrameInterface *frame_ifce, Bool full_range, s32 matrix_coef_or_neg) |
Bool | gf_gl_txw_upload (GF_GLTextureWrapper *tx, const u8 *data, GF_FilterFrameInterface *frame_ifce) |
static void | get_yuv_color_matrix (GF_GLTextureWrapper *tx, GF_Matrix *mx) |
Bool | gf_gl_txw_bind (GF_GLTextureWrapper *tx, const char *tx_name, u32 gl_program, u32 texture_unit) |
void | gf_gl_txw_reset (GF_GLTextureWrapper *tx) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glActiveTexture | ) |
! HORRIBLE HACK, but on my test devices, it seems that glClipPlanex is missing on the device but not in the SDK lib !!
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glClientActiveTexture | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBlendEquation | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glPointParameterf | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glPointParameterfv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGenBuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDeleteBuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBindBuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBufferData | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBufferSubData | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glMapBuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUnmapBuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCreateProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDeleteProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glLinkProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUseProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCreateShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDeleteShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glShaderSource | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCompileShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glAttachShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDetachShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetShaderiv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetInfoLogARB | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetUniformLocation | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetUniformfv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetUniformiv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform1f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform2f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform3f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform4f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform1i | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform2i | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform3i | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform4i | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform1fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform2fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform3fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform4fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform1iv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform2iv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform3iv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniform4iv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix2fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix3fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix4fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix2x3fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix3x2fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix2x4fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix4x2fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix3x4fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glUniformMatrix4x3fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetProgramiv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetProgramInfoLog | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetAttribLocation | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBindFramebuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glFramebufferTexture2D | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGenFramebuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGenRenderbuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBindRenderbuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glRenderbufferStorage | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glFramebufferRenderbuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDeleteFramebuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDeleteRenderbuffers | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCheckFramebufferStatus | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBlendColor | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBlendEquationSeparate | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBlendFuncSeparate | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCompressedTexImage2D | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glCompressedTexSubImage2D | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGenerateMipmap | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetShaderInfoLog | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetShaderSource | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetActiveAttrib | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetActiveUniform | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetAttachedShaders | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glBindAttribLocation | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glIsBuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glIsFramebuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glIsProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glIsRenderbuffer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glIsShader | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glSampleCoverage | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glStencilFuncSeparate | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glStencilOpSeparate | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glStencilMaskSeparate | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glValidateProgram | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib1fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib1f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib2f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib2fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib3f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib3fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib4f | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttrib4fv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetBufferParameteriv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetVertexAttribiv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetVertexAttribfv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetVertexAttribPointerv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glGetRenderbufferParameteriv | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glEnableVertexAttribArray | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glDisableVertexAttribArray | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttribPointer | ) |
GLDECL_FUNC | ( | glVertexAttribIPointer | ) |
void gf_opengl_init | ( | ) |
Bool gf_gl_txw_insert_fragment_shader | ( | u32 | pix_fmt, |
const char * | tx_name, | ||
char ** | f_source, | ||
Bool | y_flip | ||
) |
Bool gf_gl_txw_setup | ( | GF_GLTextureWrapper * | tx, |
u32 | pix_fmt, | ||
u32 | width, | ||
u32 | height, | ||
u32 | stride, | ||
u32 | uv_stride, | ||
Bool | linear_interp, | ||
GF_FilterFrameInterface * | frame_ifce, | ||
Bool | full_range, | ||
s32 | matrix_coef_or_neg | ||
) |
Bool gf_gl_txw_upload | ( | GF_GLTextureWrapper * | tx, |
const u8 * | data, | ||
GF_FilterFrameInterface * | frame_ifce | ||
) |
static |
Bool gf_gl_txw_bind | ( | GF_GLTextureWrapper * | tx, |
const char * | tx_name, | ||
u32 | gl_program, | ||
u32 | texture_unit | ||
) |
void gf_gl_txw_reset | ( | GF_GLTextureWrapper * | tx | ) |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
struct yuv_coefs YUVMatrices[] |