Documentation of the core library of GPAC
DASH Client

MPEG-DASH and HLS Client. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for DASH Client:

Data Structures

struct  GF_DASHFileIO
struct  GF_DASHQualityInfo
struct  GF_DASHCustomAlgoInfo


typedef void * GF_DASHFileIOSession
typedef s32(* gf_dash_rate_adaptation) (void *udta, u32 group_idx, u32 base_group_idx, Bool force_lower_complexity, GF_DASHCustomAlgoInfo *stats)
typedef s32(* gf_dash_download_monitor) (void *udta, u32 group_idx, u32 bits_per_sec, u64 total_bytes, u64 bytes_done, u64 us_since_start, u32 buffer_dur_ms, u32 current_seg_dur)


enum  GF_DASHEventType {
enum  GF_DashDescriptorType {
enum  GF_DASHAdaptationAlgorithm {


GF_DashClient * gf_dash_new (GF_DASHFileIO *dash_io, u32 max_cache_duration, s32 auto_switch_count, Bool keep_files, Bool disable_switching, GF_DASHInitialSelectionMode first_select_mode, u32 initial_time_shift_value)
void gf_dash_del (GF_DashClient *dash)
GF_Err gf_dash_open (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *manifest_url)
void gf_dash_close (GF_DashClient *dash)
GF_Err gf_dash_process (GF_DashClient *dash)
const char * gf_dash_get_url (GF_DashClient *dash)
Bool gf_dash_is_m3u8 (GF_DashClient *dash)
Bool gf_dash_is_smooth_streaming (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_get_info (GF_DashClient *dash, const char **title, const char **source)
void gf_dash_switch_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool switch_up)
Bool gf_dash_is_running (GF_DashClient *dash)
Bool gf_dash_is_in_setup (GF_DashClient *dash)
Double gf_dash_get_duration (GF_DashClient *dash)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_timeshift (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 ms_in_timeshift)
u32 gf_dash_get_group_count (GF_DashClient *dash)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_group_udta (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index, void *udta)
void * gf_dash_get_group_udta (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index)
Bool gf_dash_is_group_selected (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index)
s32 gf_dash_group_has_dependent_group (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_groups_depending_on (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
s32 gf_dash_get_dependent_group_index (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 group_depending_on_dep_idx)
Bool gf_dash_is_group_selectable (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_group_select (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Bool select)
s32 gf_dash_group_get_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
const char * gf_dash_get_period_id (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_enable_group_selection (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable)
Bool gf_dash_group_init_segment_is_media (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_groups_set_language (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *lang_code_rfc_5646)
const char * gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_url (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u64 *start_range, u64 *end_range, const char **mime)
const char * gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_keys (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *crypto_type, bin128 *key_IV)
const char * gf_dash_group_get_language (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
u32 gf_dash_group_get_audio_channels (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
u32 gf_dash_group_get_time_shift_buffer_depth (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
Double gf_dash_get_timeshift_buffer_pos (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_group_set_codec_stat (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 avg_dec_time, u32 max_dec_time, u32 irap_avg_dec_time, u32 irap_max_dec_time, Bool codec_reset, Bool decode_only_rap)
void gf_dash_group_set_buffer_levels (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 buffer_min_ms, u32 buffer_max_ms, u32 buffer_occupancy_ms)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_max_buffer_playout (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 max_target_buffer_ms)
Bool gf_dash_group_enum_descriptor (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, GF_DashDescriptorType desc_type, u32 role_idx, const char **desc_id, const char **desc_scheme, const char **desc_value)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_next_segment_location (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dependent_representation_index, const char **url, u64 *start_range, u64 *end_range, s32 *switching_index, const char **switching_url, u64 *switching_start_range, u64 *switching_end_range, const char **original_url, Bool *has_next_segment, const char **key_url, bin128 *key_IV, u64 *utc)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_next_seg_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dependent_representation_index, const char **seg_name, u32 *seg_number, GF_Fraction64 *seg_time, u32 *seg_dur_ms, const char **init_segment)
Bool gf_dash_group_loop_detected (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
Bool gf_dash_is_low_latency (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_segment_duration (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *duration, u32 *timescale)
const char * gf_dash_group_get_representation_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
Double gf_dash_group_get_start_range (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_group_discard_segment (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_set_group_done (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Bool done)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_presentation_time_offset (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u64 *presentation_time_offset, u32 *timescale)
Bool gf_dash_in_last_period (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool check_eos)
Bool gf_dash_get_group_done (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
u32 gf_dash_get_period_switch_status (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_request_period_switch (GF_DashClient *dash)
Bool gf_dash_in_period_setup (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_seek (GF_DashClient *dash, Double start_range)
Bool gf_dash_group_segment_switch_forced (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_video_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *max_width, u32 *max_height)
void gf_dash_group_seek (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Double seek_to)
void gf_dash_set_speed (GF_DashClient *dash, Double speed)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_check_bandwidth (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 bits_per_sec, u64 total_bytes, u64 bytes_done, u64 us_since_start)
void gf_dash_enable_utc_drift_compensation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool estimate_utc_drift)
Bool gf_dash_is_dynamic_mpd (GF_DashClient *dash)
u32 gf_dash_get_min_buffer_time (GF_DashClient *dash)
u32 gf_dash_get_max_segment_duration (GF_DashClient *dash)
s32 gf_dash_get_utc_drift_estimate (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_set_utc_shift (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 shift_utc_ms)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_max_resolution (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 width, u32 height, u8 max_display_bpp)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_min_timeout_between_404 (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 min_timeout_between_404)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_segment_expiration_threshold (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 expire_after_ms)
void gf_dash_debug_groups (GF_DashClient *dash, const u32 *groups_idx, u32 nb_groups)
void gf_dash_split_adaptation_sets (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_set_low_latency_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHLowLatencyMode low_lat_mode)
void gf_dash_set_user_buffer (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 buffer_time_ms)
void gf_dash_set_switching_probe_count (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 switch_probe_count)
void gf_dash_set_agressive_adaptation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_agressive_switch)
void gf_dash_enable_single_range_llhls (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_single_range)
void gf_dash_set_auto_switch (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 auto_switch_count, Bool auto_switch_loop)
void gf_dash_enable_cross_as_switch (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHCrossASMode cross_as_mode)
u64 gf_dash_get_period_start (GF_DashClient *dash)
u64 gf_dash_get_period_duration (GF_DashClient *dash)
u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_qualities (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_components (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_disable_speed_adaptation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool disable)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_quality_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 quality_idx, GF_DASHQualityInfo *quality)
char * gf_dash_group_get_template (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *segment_timeline_timescale, const char **init_url, const char **hls_variant)
Bool gf_dash_get_automatic_switching (GF_DashClient *dash)
GF_Err gf_dash_set_automatic_switching (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_switching)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_select_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, const char *ID, u32 q_idx)
s32 gf_dash_group_get_active_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_override_ntp (GF_DashClient *dash, u64 server_ntp)
void gf_dash_set_tile_adaptation_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode mode, u32 tile_rate_decrease)
void gf_dash_disable_low_quality_tiles (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool disable_tiles)
GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode gf_dash_get_tile_adaptation_mode (GF_DashClient *dash)
Bool gf_dash_group_get_srd_max_size_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *max_width, u32 *max_height)
Bool gf_dash_group_get_srd_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *srd_id, u32 *srd_x, u32 *srd_y, u32 *srd_w, u32 *srd_h, u32 *srd_width, u32 *srd_height)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_quality_degradation_hint (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 quality_degradation_hint)
GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_visible_rect (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 min_x, u32 max_x, u32 min_y, u32 max_y, Bool is_gaze)
void gf_dash_ignore_xlink (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool ignore_xlink)
Bool gf_dash_all_groups_done (GF_DashClient *dash)
void gf_dash_set_period_xlink_query_string (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *query_string)
void gf_dash_set_chaining_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 chaining_mode)
void gf_dash_set_algo (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHAdaptationAlgorithm algo)
void gf_dash_set_group_download_state (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dep_rep_idx, GF_Err err)
void gf_dash_group_store_stats (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dep_rep_idx, u32 bytes_per_sec, u64 file_size, Bool is_broadcast, u64 us_since_start)
void gf_dash_set_suggested_presentation_delay (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 spd)
void gf_dash_set_mcast_ast_shift (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 ast_shift)
u32 gf_dash_get_min_wait_ms (GF_DashClient *dash)
s32 gf_dash_group_get_as_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
Bool gf_dash_group_has_init_segment (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx)
void gf_dash_group_get_sar (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, GF_Fraction *sar)
void gf_dash_set_algo_custom (GF_DashClient *dash, void *udta, gf_dash_rate_adaptation algo_custom, gf_dash_download_monitor download_monitor_custom)


static const char *const GF_DASH_MPD_MIME_TYPES [] = { "application/dash+xml", "video/vnd.3gpp.mpd", "audio/vnd.3gpp.mpd", "video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd", "audio/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd", NULL }
static const char *const GF_DASH_M3U8_MIME_TYPES [] = { "video/x-mpegurl", "audio/x-mpegurl", "application/x-mpegURL", "application/", NULL}
static const char *const GF_DASH_SMOOTH_MIME_TYPES [] = { "application/", NULL}

Detailed Description

Data Structure Documentation

◆ GF_DASHQualityInfo

struct GF_DASHQualityInfo

DASH/HLS quality information structure

Data Fields
u32 bandwidth

bandwidth in bits per second

const char * ID


const char * mime

mime type

const char * codec

codec parameter of mime type

u32 width

video width

u32 height

video width

Bool interlaced

video interlaced flag

u32 fps_num

video framerate numerator

u32 fps_den

video framerate denominator

u32 par_num

video sample aspect ratio numerator

u32 par_den

video sample aspect ratio denominator

u32 sample_rate

audio sample rate

u32 nb_channels

audio channel count

Bool disabled

disabled flag (not supported by DASH client)

Bool is_selected

selected flag

Double ast_offset

AST offset in seconds, 0 if not low latency

Double average_duration

average segment duration, 0 if unknown

const GF_List * seg_urls

list of segmentURLs if known, NULL otherwise. Used for onDemand profile to get segment sizes

const char * hls_variant_url

URL (relative) of variant playlist

u32 ssr

SSR flag, set to estimated num parts in SSR

◆ GF_DASHCustomAlgoInfo

struct GF_DASHCustomAlgoInfo

Information passed to DASH custom algorithm

Data Fields
u32 download_rate

last segment download rate in bits per second

u32 file_size

size of last downloaded segment

Double speed

current playback speed

Double max_available_speed

max supported playback speed according to associated decoder stats

u32 display_width

display width of the video in pixels, 0 if audio stream

u32 display_height

display height of the video in pixels, 0 if audio stream

u32 active_quality_idx

index of currently selected quality

u32 buffer_min_ms

minimum buffer level in milliseconds below witch rebuffer will happen

u32 buffer_max_ms

maximum buffer level allowed in milliseconds. Packets won't get dropped if overflow, but the algorithm should try not to overflow this buffer

u32 buffer_occupancy_ms

current buffer level in milliseconds

u32 quality_degradation_hint

degradation hint, 0 means no degradation, 100 means tile completely hidden

u32 total_rate

cumulated download rate of all active groups in bytes per seconds - 0 means all files are local

Typedef Documentation

◆ GF_DASHFileIOSession

typedef void* GF_DASHFileIOSession

structure used for all IO sessions for DASH

◆ gf_dash_rate_adaptation

typedef s32(* gf_dash_rate_adaptation) (void *udta, u32 group_idx, u32 base_group_idx, Bool force_lower_complexity, GF_DASHCustomAlgoInfo *stats)

Callback function for custom rate adaptation

udtauser data
group_idxindex of group to adapt
base_group_idxindex of associated base group if group is a dependent group
force_lower_complexityset to true if the dash client would like a lower complexity
statsstatistics for last downloaded segment
value can be:
  • the index of the new quality to select (as listed in group.reps[])
  • -1 to not take decision now and postpone it until dependent groups are done
  • -2 to disable quality
  • any other negative value means error

◆ gf_dash_download_monitor

typedef s32(* gf_dash_download_monitor) (void *udta, u32 group_idx, u32 bits_per_sec, u64 total_bytes, u64 bytes_done, u64 us_since_start, u32 buffer_dur_ms, u32 current_seg_dur)

Callback function for custom rate monitor, not final yet

udtauser data
group_idxindex of group to adapt
bits_per_secestimated download rate (not premultiplied by playback speed)
total_bytessize of segment being downloaded, 0 if unknown
bytes_donebytes received for segment
us_since_startmicroseconds ellapse since segment was sheduled for download
buffer_dur_mscurrent buffer duration in milliseconds
current_seg_durduration of segment being downloaded, 0 if unknown
quality index (>=0) to switch to after abort, -1 to do nothing (no abort), -2 for internal algorithms having already setup the desired quality and requesting only abort

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GF_DASHEventType

DASH Event type. The DASH client communicates with the user through a callback mechanism using events


event sent if an error occurs when setting up manifest


event sent before groups first segment is fetched - user shall decide which group to select at this point


event sent if an error occurs during period setup - the download thread will exit at this point


event sent once the first segment of each selected group is fetched - user should load playback chain(s) at this point


event sent when resetting groups at period switch or at exit - user should unload playback chain(s) at this point


event sent once a new segment becomes available


event sent when quality has been switched for the given group


position in timeshift buffer has changed (eg, paused)


event sent when timeshift buffer is overflown - the group_idx param contains the max number of dropped segments of all representations dropped by the client, or -1 if play pos is ahead of live


event sent when we need the decoding statistics


event sent when no threading to trigger segment download abort


event sent whenever cache is full, to allow client to dispatch any segment


event sent when all groups are done in a period - if group_idx is 1, this announces a time discontinuity for next period

◆ GF_DashDescriptorType

DASH descriptor types


Accessibility descriptor


Audio config descriptor


Content Protection descriptor


Essential Property descriptor


Supplemental Property descriptor


Frame packing descriptor


Role descriptor


Rating descriptor


Viewpoint descriptor

◆ GF_DASHAdaptationAlgorithm

DASH client adaptation algorithm


no adaptation


GPAC rate-based adaptation


GPAC buffer-based adaptation




BOLA finite


BOLA basic







Function Documentation

◆ GF_OPT_ENUM() [1/4]

GF_OPT_ENUM ( GF_DASHInitialSelectionMode  ,

Quality selection mode of initial segments

◆ gf_dash_new()

GF_DashClient* gf_dash_new ( GF_DASHFileIO *  dash_io,
u32  max_cache_duration,
s32  auto_switch_count,
Bool  keep_files,
Bool  disable_switching,
GF_DASHInitialSelectionMode  first_select_mode,
u32  initial_time_shift_value 

create a new DASH client

dash_ioDASH callbacks to the user
max_cache_durationmaximum duration in milliseconds for the cached media. If less than
is used
auto_switch_countforces representation switching (quality up if positive, down if negative) every auto_switch_count segments, set to 0 to disable
keep_filesdo not delete files from the cache
disable_switchingturn off bandwidth switching algorithm
first_select_modeindicates which representation to select upon startup
initial_time_shift_valuesets initial buffering: if between 0 and 100, this is a percentage of the time shift window of the session. If greater than 100, this is a time shift in milliseconds.
a new DASH client
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_del()

void gf_dash_del ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

destroys a DASH client

dashthe target dash clien
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_open()

GF_Err gf_dash_open ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
const char *  manifest_url 

opens the DASH client for the specific manifest file

dashthe target dash client
manifest_urlthe URL of the manifest to open
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_close()

void gf_dash_close ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

closes the dash client

dashthe target dash client
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_process()

GF_Err gf_dash_process ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

for unthreaded session, executes DASH logic

dashthe target dash client
error if any, GF_EOS on end of session
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_url()

const char* gf_dash_get_url ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

returns URL of the DASH manifest file

dashthe target dash client
the currently loaded manifest
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_m3u8()

Bool gf_dash_is_m3u8 ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

tells whether we are playing some Apple HLS M3U8

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if the manifest is M3U8
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_smooth_streaming()

Bool gf_dash_is_smooth_streaming ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

tells whether we are playing some MS SmoothStreaming

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if the manifest is SmoothStreaming
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_info()

void gf_dash_get_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
const char **  title,
const char **  source 

gets title and source for this MPD

dashthe target dash client
titleset to the title of the manifest (may be NULL)
sourceset to the source of the manifest (may be NULL)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_switch_quality()

void gf_dash_switch_quality ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  switch_up 

switches quality up or down

dashthe target dash client
switch_upindicates if the quality should be increased (GF_TRUE) or decreased (GF_FALSE)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_running()

Bool gf_dash_is_running ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

indicates whether the DASH client is running or not

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if the session is still active, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_in_setup()

Bool gf_dash_is_in_setup ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

indicates whether the DASH client is in setup stage (sloving periods, destroying or creating playback chain) or not

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if the session is in setup, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_duration()

Double gf_dash_get_duration ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets duration of the presentation

dashthe target dash client
the duration in second of the session
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_timeshift()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_timeshift ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  ms_in_timeshift 

sets timeshift for the presentation - this function does not trigger a seek, this has to be done by the caller

dashthe target dash client
ms_in_timeshiftif between 0 and 100, this is a percentage of the time shift window of the session. If greater than 100, this is a time shift in milliseconds
error if any
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_group_count()

u32 gf_dash_get_group_count ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

returns the number of groups. A group is a set of media resources that are alternate of each other in terms of bandwidth/quality

dashthe target dash client
the number of groups in the active session
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_group_udta()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_group_udta ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_index,
void *  udta 

associates user data (or NULL) with a given group

dashthe target dash client
group_indexthe 0-based index of the target group
udtathe opaque data to associate to the group
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_group_udta()

void* gf_dash_get_group_udta ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_index 

returns the user data associated with this group

dashthe target dash client
group_indexthe 0-based index of the target group
the opaque data to associate to the group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_group_selected()

Bool gf_dash_is_group_selected ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_index 

indicates whether a group is selected for playback or not. Currently groups cannot be selected during playback

dashthe target dash client
group_indexthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if the group is selected for playback/download
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_has_dependent_group()

s32 gf_dash_group_has_dependent_group ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

indicates whether this group is dependent on another group (because representations are). If this is the case, all representations of this group will be made available through the base group (and has_next_segment flag) if the group is selected. returns -1 if not dependent on another group, otherwise return dependent group index

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
-1 if the group does not depend on another group, otherwise returns the dependent group index
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_num_groups_depending_on()

u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_groups_depending_on ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gives the number of groups depending on this one for decoding

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
the number of other groups depending on this group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_dependent_group_index()

s32 gf_dash_get_dependent_group_index ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  group_depending_on_dep_idx 

gets the index of the depending_on group with the specified group_depending_on_dep_idx (between 0 and gf_dash_group_get_num_groups_depending_on -1)

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
group_depending_on_dep_idxthe 0-based index of the queried dependent group
the index of the depending_on group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_group_selectable()

Bool gf_dash_is_group_selectable ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

indicates whether a group can be selected for playback or not. Some groups may have been disabled because of non supported features

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if the group can be selected for playback, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_select()

void gf_dash_group_select ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
Bool  select 

selects a group for playback. If group selection is enabled, other groups are alternate to this group (through the group attribute), they are automatically deselected

Seeking is NOT performed, it is the responsability to call gf_dash_group_seek - this can be called before or after selecting

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
selectif GF_TRUE, will select this group and disable any alternate group. If GF_FALSE, only deselects the group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_id()

s32 gf_dash_group_get_id ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets group ID (through the group attribute), -1 if undefined

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
ID of the group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_period_id()

const char* gf_dash_get_period_id ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets cuirrent period ID

dashthe target dash client
ID of the current period or NULL
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_enable_group_selection()

void gf_dash_enable_group_selection ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  enable 

enables group selection through the group attribute

dashthe target dash client
enableif GF_TRUE, group selection will be done whenever selecting a new group

◆ gf_dash_group_init_segment_is_media()

Bool gf_dash_group_init_segment_is_media ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

checks if first segment (used to initialize) was an init segment or the first in a sequence (aka M2TS)

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if first segment was a media segment
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_groups_set_language()

void gf_dash_groups_set_language ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
const char *  lang_code_rfc_5646 

performs selection of representations based on language code

dashthe target dash client
lang_code_rfc_5646the language code used by the default group selection
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_url()

const char* gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_url ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u64 start_range,
u64 end_range,
const char **  mime 

returns the URL of the first media resource to play (init segment or first media segment depending on format). start_range and end_range are optional

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
start_rangeset to the byte start offset in the init segment
end_rangeset to the byte end offset in the init segment
mimethe mime type of the init segment
URL of the init segment (can be a relative path if manifest is a local file)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_keys()

const char* gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_keys ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 crypto_type,
bin128 key_IV 

returns the URL and IV associated with the first media segment if any (init segment or first media segment depending on format). This is used for full segment encryption modes of MPEG-2 TS segments. key_IV is optional

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
crypto_typeset to 0 if no encryption in segments, 1 if full segment encryption, 2 if CENC/per-sample encryption is used - may be NULL
key_IVset to the IV used for the first media segment (can be NULL)
the key URL of the first media segment, either a URN or a resolved URL
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_language()

const char* gf_dash_group_get_language ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

returns the language of the group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
the language of the group or NULL if no language associated
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_audio_channels()

u32 gf_dash_group_get_audio_channels ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

returns the number of audio channelsof the group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
the number of audio channels, or 0 if not audio or unspecified
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_time_shift_buffer_depth()

u32 gf_dash_group_get_time_shift_buffer_depth ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets time shift buffer depth of the group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
time shift buffer depth in ms of the group, -1 means infinity
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_timeshift_buffer_pos()

Double gf_dash_get_timeshift_buffer_pos ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets current time in time shift buffer This functions retrieves the maximum value (further in the past) of all selected/active groups

dashthe target dash client
current time in timeshift buffer in seconds - 0 means 'live point'
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_set_codec_stat()

void gf_dash_group_set_codec_stat ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  avg_dec_time,
u32  max_dec_time,
u32  irap_avg_dec_time,
u32  irap_max_dec_time,
Bool  codec_reset,
Bool  decode_only_rap 

sets codec statistics of a group for playback rate adjustment

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
avg_dec_timeaverage decode time in microseconds of a frame, 0 if unknown
max_dec_timemaximum decode time in microseconds of a frame, 0 if unknown
irap_avg_dec_timeaverage decode time of SAP 1/2/3 pictures in microseconds of a frame, 0 if unknown
irap_max_dec_timemaximum decode time of SAP 1/2/3 pictures in microseconds of a frame, 0 if unknown
codec_resetindicates a codec reset is pending (pipeline flush is needed before reinit)
decode_only_rapindicates only SAP1/2/3 are currently being decoded. This may trigger a switch to a trick mode representation
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_set_buffer_levels()

void gf_dash_group_set_buffer_levels ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  buffer_min_ms,
u32  buffer_max_ms,
u32  buffer_occupancy_ms 

sets buffer levels of a group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
buffer_min_msminimum buffer in milliseconds (pipeline would rebuffer below this level)
buffer_max_msmaximum buffer in milliseconds (pipeline would block above this level)
buffer_occupancy_mscurrent buffer occupancy in milliseconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_set_max_buffer_playout()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_max_buffer_playout ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  max_target_buffer_ms 

indicates the buffer time in ms after which the player resumes playback. This value is less or equal to the buffer_max_ms indicated in gf_dash_group_set_buffer_levels

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
max_target_buffer_msbuffer in milliseconds above which pipeline resumes after a rebuffering event
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_enum_descriptor()

Bool gf_dash_group_enum_descriptor ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
GF_DashDescriptorType  desc_type,
u32  role_idx,
const char **  desc_id,
const char **  desc_scheme,
const char **  desc_value 

enumerates descriptors of the given type

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
desc_typetype of descriptor being checked
role_idxindex of the descriptor being checked for this type
desc_idset to the ID of the descriptor if found (optional, may be NULL)
desc_schemeset to the scheme of the descriptor if found (optional, may be NULL)
desc_valueset to the desc_value of the descriptor if found (optional, may be NULL)
GF_TRUE if descriptor is found, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_next_segment_location()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_next_segment_location ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  dependent_representation_index,
const char **  url,
u64 start_range,
u64 end_range,
s32 switching_index,
const char **  switching_url,
u64 switching_start_range,
u64 switching_end_range,
const char **  original_url,
Bool has_next_segment,
const char **  key_url,
bin128 key_IV,
u64 utc 

returns the URL and byte range of the next media resource to play in this group.

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
dependent_representation_indexindex of the dependent representation to query, 0-based
urlset to the URL of the next segment
start_rangeset to the start byte offset in the segment (optional, may be NULL)
end_rangeset to the end byte offset in the segment (optional, may be NULL)
switching_indexset to the quality index of the segment (optional, may be NULL)
switching_urlset to the URL of the switching segment if needed (optional, may be NULL)
switching_start_rangeset to start byte offset of the switching segment if needed (optional, may be NULL)
switching_end_rangeset to end byte offset of the switching segment if needed (optional, may be NULL)
original_urlset to original URL value of the segment (optional, may be NULL)
has_next_segmentset to GF_TRUE if next segment location is known (unthreaded mode) or next segment is downloaded (threaded mode) (optional, may be NULL)
key_urlset to the key URL of the next segment for MPEG-2 TS full segment encryption (optional, may be NULL). The URL is either a URN or a resolved URL
key_IVset to the key initialization vector of the next segment for MPEG-2 TS full segment encryption (optional, may be NULL)
utcset to UTC mapping for first sample of segment, 0 if none defined
GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if no segment found, GF_EOS if end of session, GF_URL_REMOVED if segment is disabled (but all output info is OK, this can be ignored and considered as GF_OK by the user) or error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_next_seg_info()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_next_seg_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  dependent_representation_index,
const char **  seg_name,
u32 seg_number,
GF_Fraction64 seg_time,
u32 seg_dur_ms,
const char **  init_segment 

gets some info on the segment

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
dependent_representation_indexindex of the dependent representation to query, 0-based
seg_nameset to the segment name, without base url - optional, may be NULL
seg_numberset to the segment number for $Number$ addressing - optional, may be NULL
seg_timeset to the segment start time - optional, may be NULL
seg_dur_msset to the segment estimated duration in ms - optional, may be NULL
init_segmentset to the init segment name, without base url - optional, may be NULL
error if any, GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if no segments queued for download
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_loop_detected()

Bool gf_dash_group_loop_detected ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

checks if loop was detected in playback. This is mostly used for broadcast (eMBMS, ROUTE) based on pcap replay.

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if segment numbers loop was detected
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_low_latency()

Bool gf_dash_is_low_latency ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

checks if group is using low latency delivery.

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if low latency is used, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_segment_duration()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_segment_duration ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 duration,
u32 timescale 

gets average duration of segments for the current rep.

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
durationset to average segment duration
timescaleset to timescale used to exprss duration
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_representation_id()

const char* gf_dash_group_get_representation_id ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets ID of active representaion.

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
ID of representation, NULL if error
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_start_range()

Double gf_dash_group_get_start_range ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

returns number of seconds at which playback shall start for the group in the current period. The first segment available for the period will be so that gf_dash_group_get_start_range is in this range after the caller adjusts it with PTO (eg the returned time is in period timeline, not media timeline)

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
media playback start range in seconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_discard_segment()

void gf_dash_group_discard_segment ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

discards the first media resource in the queue of this group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_group_done()

void gf_dash_set_group_done ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
Bool  done 

indicates to the DASH engine that the group playback has been stopped by the user

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
donemark group as done if GF_TRUE, or not done if GF_FALSE
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_presentation_time_offset()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_presentation_time_offset ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u64 presentation_time_offset,
u32 timescale 

gets presentationTimeOffset and timescale for the active representation

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
presentation_time_offsetset to the presentation time offset for the group
timescaleset to the timescale used to represent the presentation time offset
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_in_last_period()

Bool gf_dash_in_last_period ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  check_eos 

checks if the session is in the last period

dashthe target dash client
check_eosif GF_TRUE, return GF_TRUE only if the last period is known to be the last one (not an open period in live)
GF_TRUE if the playback position is in the last period of the presentation
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_group_done()

Bool gf_dash_get_group_done ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

checks if the group is playing

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if group is done playing
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_period_switch_status()

u32 gf_dash_get_period_switch_status ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets current period switching status for the session.

dashthe target dash client
possible values: 1 if the period switching has been requested (due to seeking), 2 if the switching is in progress (all groups will soon be destroyed and plyback will be stopped and restarted) 0 if no switching is requested
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_request_period_switch()

void gf_dash_request_period_switch ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

request period switch - this is typically called when the media engine signals that no more data is available for playback

dashthe target dash client
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_in_period_setup()

Bool gf_dash_in_period_setup ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

checks if the client is in a period setup state

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if the DASH engine is currently setting up a period (creating groups and fetching initial segments)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_seek()

void gf_dash_seek ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Double  start_range 

seeks playback to the given time. If period changes, all playback is stopped and restarted If the session is dynamic (live), the start_range is ignored and recomputed from current UTC clock to be at the live point. If timeshifting is desired, use gf_dash_set_timeshift before seeking

dashthe target dash client
start_rangethe desired seek time in seconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_segment_switch_forced()

Bool gf_dash_group_segment_switch_forced ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

checks if seeking time is in the previously playing segment

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if the seek request was in a different segment than the previously playing one
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_video_info()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_video_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 max_width,
u32 max_height 

gets video info for this group if video

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
max_widthset to the maximum width in the group
max_heightset to the maximum height in the group
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_seek()

void gf_dash_group_seek ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
Double  seek_to 

seeks only a given group - results are undefined if the seek operation triggers a period switch

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
seek_tothe desired seek time in seconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_speed()

void gf_dash_set_speed ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Double  speed 

sets playback speed of the session. Speed is used in adaptation logic

dashthe target dash client
speedcurrent playback speed
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_check_bandwidth()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_check_bandwidth ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  bits_per_sec,
u64  total_bytes,
u64  bytes_done,
u64  us_since_start 

updates media bandwidth for the given group. Only allowed for groups without dependencies to other groups

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
bits_per_seccurrent download rate in bits per seconds
total_bytestotal size of segment being downloaded
bytes_donenumber of bytes already downloaded in current segment
us_since_starttime elapsed in microseconds since segment has been scheduled for download
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_enable_utc_drift_compensation()

void gf_dash_enable_utc_drift_compensation ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  estimate_utc_drift 

enables UTC drift computation using HTTP header "Server-UTC: UTC", where UTC is in ms

dashthe target dash client
estimate_utc_driftif GF_TRUE, enables UTC drift compensation, otherwise disables it
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_is_dynamic_mpd()

Bool gf_dash_is_dynamic_mpd ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

checks if session is dynamic offering (live)

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if MPD is dynamic, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_min_buffer_time()

u32 gf_dash_get_min_buffer_time ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets minimum buffer time of session indicated in MPD

dashthe target dash client
minimum buffer time in ms
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_max_segment_duration()

u32 gf_dash_get_max_segment_duration ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets the maximum segment duration in session

dashthe target dash client
the maximum segment duration in ms
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_utc_drift_estimate()

s32 gf_dash_get_utc_drift_estimate ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets the difference between the local UTC clock and the one reported by the server

dashthe target dash client
difference in milliseconds
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_utc_shift()

void gf_dash_set_utc_shift ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
s32  shift_utc_ms 

shifts UTC clock of server by shift_utc_ms so that new UTC in MPD is old + shift_utc_ms

dashthe target dash client
shift_utc_msUTC clock shift in milliseconds. A positive value will move the clock in the future, a negative value in the past
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_max_resolution()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_max_resolution ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  width,
u32  height,
u8  max_display_bpp 

sets max video display capabilities

dashthe target dash client
widththe maximum width of the display
heightthe maximum height of the display
max_display_bppthe maximum bits per pixel of the display
error if any
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_min_timeout_between_404()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_min_timeout_between_404 ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  min_timeout_between_404 

sets min time in ms between a 404 and the next request on the same group. The default value is 500 ms.

dashthe target dash client
min_timeout_between_404minimum delay in milliseconds between retries
error if any
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_segment_expiration_threshold()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_segment_expiration_threshold ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  expire_after_ms 

sets time in ms after which 404 request for a segment will indicate segment lost. The client always retries for segment availability time + segment duration. This allows extending slightly the probe time (used when segment durations varies, or for VBR broadcast). The default value is 100 ms.

dashthe target dash client
expire_after_msdelay in milliseconds
error if any
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_debug_groups()

void gf_dash_debug_groups ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
const u32 groups_idx,
u32  nb_groups 

only enables the given groups - this shall be set before calling gf_dash_open. If NULL, no groups will be disabled

dashthe target dash client
groups_idxlist of 0-based index of the target groups to enable,
nb_groupsnumber of group indexes in list
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_split_adaptation_sets()

void gf_dash_split_adaptation_sets ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

split all adatation sets so that they contain only one representation (quality)

dashthe target dash client
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GF_OPT_ENUM() [2/4]

GF_OPT_ENUM ( GF_DASHLowLatencyMode  ,

low latency mode of dash client

◆ gf_dash_set_low_latency_mode()

void gf_dash_set_low_latency_mode ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
GF_DASHLowLatencyMode  low_lat_mode 

allow early segment fetch in low latency mode

dashthe target dash client
low_lat_modelow latency mode
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_user_buffer()

void gf_dash_set_user_buffer ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  buffer_time_ms 

indicates typical buffering used by the user app before playback starts. This allows fetching data earlier in live mode, if the timeshiftbuffer allows for it

dashthe target dash client
buffer_time_mstypical playout buffer in milliseconds
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_switching_probe_count()

void gf_dash_set_switching_probe_count ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  switch_probe_count 

indicates the number of segments to wait before switching up bandwidth. The default value is 1 (ie stay in current bandwidth or one more segment before switching up, event if download rate is enough). Setting this to 0 means the switch will happen instantly, but this is more prone to quality changes due to network variations

dashthe target dash client
switch_probe_countthe number of probes before switching
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_agressive_adaptation()

void gf_dash_set_agressive_adaptation ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  enable_agressive_switch 

enables agressive switching mode. If agressive switching is enabled, switching targets to the closest bandwidth fitting the available download rate. Otherwise, switching targets the lowest bitrate representation that is above the currently played (eg does not try to switch to max bandwidth). Default value is no.

dashthe target dash client
enable_agressive_switchif GF_TRUE, enables agressive mode, otherwise disables it
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_enable_single_range_llhls()

void gf_dash_enable_single_range_llhls ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  enable_single_range 

enables single-range requests for LL-HLS byterange, rather than issuing a request per PART. This assumes that:

  • each URI in the different parts is the SAME
  • byte ranges are contiguous in the URL

Errors will be thrown if these are not met on future parts and merging will be disabled, however the scheduled buggy segment will NOT be disarded

dashthe target dash client
enable_single_rangeif GF_TRUE, enables single range, otherwise disables it
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_auto_switch()

void gf_dash_set_auto_switch ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
s32  auto_switch_count,
Bool  auto_switch_loop 

enable auto-switch mode

dashthe target dash cleint
auto_switch_countforces representation switching (quality up if positive, down if negative) every auto_switch_count segments, set to 0 to disable
auto_switch_loopif false (default when creating dasher), restart at lowest quality when higher quality is reached and vice-versa. If true, quality switches decreases then increase in loop
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GF_OPT_ENUM() [3/4]


Cross Adaptation-set switching mdoe

◆ gf_dash_enable_cross_as_switch()

void gf_dash_enable_cross_as_switch ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
GF_DASHCrossASMode  cross_as_mode 

enable switching across adaptation sets

When switching across adaptation sets is enabled and such sets are declared in the manifest, a single group will be declared for all sets in the switching set, and switching will be handled by the client.

dashthe target dash cleint
cross_as_modeenable or disable
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_period_start()

u64 gf_dash_get_period_start ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

returns active period start

dashthe target dash client
period start in milliseconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_period_duration()

u64 gf_dash_get_period_duration ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets active period duration

dashthe target dash client
active period duration in milliseconds
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_num_qualities()

u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_qualities ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets number of quality available for a group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
number of quality available
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_num_components()

u32 gf_dash_group_get_num_components ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets the number of components in a group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
number of components
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_disable_speed_adaptation()

void gf_dash_disable_speed_adaptation ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  disable 

disable speed adaptation

dashthe target dash client
disableif GF_TRUE? speed adaptation is disabled, otherwise it is enabled
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_quality_info()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_get_quality_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  quality_idx,
GF_DASHQualityInfo quality 

gets information on a given quality

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
quality_idxthe 0-based index of the quality
qualityfilled with information for the desired quality
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_template()

char* gf_dash_group_get_template ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 segment_timeline_timescale,
const char **  init_url,
const char **  hls_variant 

gets segment template info used by group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
segment_timeline_timescaleset to segment timeline timescale, or to 0 if no segment timeline
init_urlset to initialization URL (template, timeline or base URL for VoD) as indicated in manifest (no resolution to base URL)
hls_variantset toHLS variant name or NULL
segment template, NULL if no templates used. Memory must be freed by caller
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_automatic_switching()

Bool gf_dash_get_automatic_switching ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

checks automatic switching mode

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if automatic quality switching is enabled
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_automatic_switching()

GF_Err gf_dash_set_automatic_switching ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  enable_switching 

sets automatic quality switching mode. If automatic switching is off, switching can only happen based on caller inputs

dashthe target dash client
enable_switchingif GF_TRUE, automatic switching is enabled; otherwise it is disabled
error if any
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_select_quality()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_select_quality ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
const char *  ID,
u32  q_idx 

selects quality of a group, either by ID or by index if ID is null

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
IDthe ID of the desired quality
q_idxthe 0-based index of the desired quality
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_active_quality()

s32 gf_dash_group_get_active_quality ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets currently active quality of a group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
the current quality index for the given group
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_override_ntp()

void gf_dash_override_ntp ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u64  server_ntp 

forces NTP of the DASH client to be the given NTP

dashthe target dash client
server_ntpNTP timestamp to set as server clock
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GF_OPT_ENUM() [4/4]

GF_OPT_ENUM ( GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode  ,

Tile adaptation mode This mode specifies how bitrate is allocated across tiles of the same video

◆ gf_dash_set_tile_adaptation_mode()

void gf_dash_set_tile_adaptation_mode ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode  mode,
u32  tile_rate_decrease 

sets tile adaptation mode

dashthe target dash client
modethe desired tile adaptation mode
tile_rate_decreasepercentage (0->100) of global bandwidth to use at each level (recursive rate decrease for all level). If 0% or 100%, automatic rate allocation among tiles is performed (default mode)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_disable_low_quality_tiles()

void gf_dash_disable_low_quality_tiles ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  disable_tiles 

consider tile with highest quality degradation hints (not visible ones or not gazed at) as lost, triggering a GF_URL_REMOVE upon gf_dash_group_get_next_segment_location calls. Mostly used to debug tiling adaptation

dashthe target dash client
disable_tilesif GF_TRUE, tiles with highest quality degradation hints will not be played.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_tile_adaptation_mode()

GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode gf_dash_get_tile_adaptation_mode ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets current tile adaptation mode

dashthe target dash client
tile adaptation mode
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_srd_max_size_info()

Bool gf_dash_group_get_srd_max_size_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 max_width,
u32 max_height 

gets max width and height in pixels of the SRD (Spatial Relationship Descriptor) a given group belongs to, if any

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
max_widthset to the maximum width of the SRD of this group
max_heightset to the maximum height of the SRD of this group
GF_TRUE if the group has an SRD descriptor associated, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_srd_info()

Bool gf_dash_group_get_srd_info ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32 srd_id,
u32 srd_x,
u32 srd_y,
u32 srd_w,
u32 srd_h,
u32 srd_width,
u32 srd_height 

gets SRD info, in SRD coordinate, of the SRD this group belongs to, if any

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
srd_idset to the id of the SRD of this group
srd_xset to the horizontal coordinate of the SRD of this group
srd_yset to the vertical coordinate of the SRD of this group
srd_wset to the width of the SRD of this group
srd_hset to the height of the SRD of this group
srd_widthset to the reference width (usually max width) of the SRD of this group
srd_heightset to the reference height (usually max height) of the SRD of this group
GF_TRUE if the group has an SRD descriptor associated, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_set_quality_degradation_hint()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_quality_degradation_hint ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  quality_degradation_hint 

sets quality hint for the given group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
quality_degradation_hintquality degradation from 0 (no degradation) to 100 (worse quality possible)
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_set_visible_rect()

GF_Err gf_dash_group_set_visible_rect ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  min_x,
u32  max_x,
u32  min_y,
u32  max_y,
Bool  is_gaze 

sets visible rectangle of a video object, may be used for adaptation. If min_x==max_x==min_y=max_y==0, disable adaptation

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
min_xhorizontal coordinate of first visible column
max_xhorizontal coordinate of last visible column
min_yhorizontal coordinate of first visible row
max_yhorizontal coordinate of last visible row
is_gazeif set, {min_x, min_y} indicate the position of the gaze (and {max_x, max_y} are ignored)
error if any
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_ignore_xlink()

void gf_dash_ignore_xlink ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
Bool  ignore_xlink 

Ignores xlink on periods if some adaptation sets are specified in the period with xlink

dashthe target dash client
ignore_xlinkif GF_TRUE? xlinks will be ignored on periods containing both xlinks and adaptation sets
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_all_groups_done()

Bool gf_dash_all_groups_done ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

checks if all groups are done

dashthe target dash client
GF_TRUE if all active groups in period are done
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_period_xlink_query_string()

void gf_dash_set_period_xlink_query_string ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
const char *  query_string 

sets a query string to append to xlink on periods

dashthe target dash client
query_stringthe query string to append to xlinks on periods
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_chaining_mode()

void gf_dash_set_chaining_mode ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  chaining_mode 

sets MPD chaining mode

dashthe target dash client
chaining_modeif 0, no chaining. If 1, chain at end. If 2 chain on error or at end
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_algo()

void gf_dash_set_algo ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
GF_DASHAdaptationAlgorithm  algo 

sets dash adaptation algorithm. Cannot be called on an active session

dashthe target dash client
algothe algorithm to use
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_group_download_state()

void gf_dash_set_group_download_state ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  dep_rep_idx,
GF_Err  err 

sets group download status of the last downloaded segment for non threaded modes

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
dep_rep_idxthe 0-based index of the current dependent rep
errerror status of the download, GF_OK if no error
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_store_stats()

void gf_dash_group_store_stats ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
u32  dep_rep_idx,
u32  bytes_per_sec,
u64  file_size,
Bool  is_broadcast,
u64  us_since_start 

sets group download statistics of the last downloaded segment for non threaded modes

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
dep_rep_idxthe 0-based index of the dependent rep
bytes_per_sectransfer rates in bytes per seconds
file_sizesegment size in bytes
is_broadcastset to GF_TRUE if the file is received over a multicast/broadcast link such as eMBMS or ROUTE (i.e. file was pushed to cache)
us_since_starttime in microseconds since start of the download
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_suggested_presentation_delay()

void gf_dash_set_suggested_presentation_delay ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
s32  spd 

Shifts the computed availabilityStartTime by offsetting (or resetting) the SuggestedPresentationDelay value parsed in the DASH manifest

dashthe target dash client
spdavailabilityStartTime shift in milliseconds. Positive values shift the clock in the future, negative ones in the past, "-I" will force the SuggestedPresentationDelay value to zero
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_mcast_ast_shift()

void gf_dash_set_mcast_ast_shift ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
s32  ast_shift 

sets availabilityStartTime shift for multicast (ROUTE, FLUTE). By default the multicast tune-in is done by matching the last received segment name to the segment template and deriving the UTC reference from that. The function allows shifting the computed value by a given amount.

dashthe target dash client
ast_shiftclock shift in milliseconds of the multicast receiver tune-in. Positive values shift the clock in the future, negative ones in the past
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_get_min_wait_ms()

u32 gf_dash_get_min_wait_ms ( GF_DashClient *  dash)

gets the minimum wait time before calling gf_dash_process again for unthreaded mode

dashthe target dash client
minimum wait time in ms
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_as_id()

s32 gf_dash_group_get_as_id ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

gets the adaptation set ID of a given group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
the adaptation set ID, -1 if not set
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_has_init_segment()

Bool gf_dash_group_has_init_segment ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx 

check if the group has an init segment associated

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
GF_TRUE if init segment is present, GF_FALSE otherwise
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_group_get_sar()

void gf_dash_group_get_sar ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
u32  group_idx,
GF_Fraction sar 

get sample aspect ratio for video group

dashthe target dash client
group_idxthe 0-based index of the target group
sarfilled with representation SAR if any, set to 0 otherwise - may be NULL
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_dash_set_algo_custom()

void gf_dash_set_algo_custom ( GF_DashClient *  dash,
void *  udta,
gf_dash_rate_adaptation  algo_custom,
gf_dash_download_monitor  download_monitor_custom 

sets custom rate adaptation logic

dashthe target dash client
udtauser data to pass back to callback functions
algo_customrate adaptation custom logic
download_monitor_customdownload monitor custom logic
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


const char* const GF_DASH_MPD_MIME_TYPES[] = { "application/dash+xml", "video/vnd.3gpp.mpd", "audio/vnd.3gpp.mpd", "video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd", "audio/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd", NULL }

All the possible Mime-types for MPD files


const char* const GF_DASH_M3U8_MIME_TYPES[] = { "video/x-mpegurl", "audio/x-mpegurl", "application/x-mpegURL", "application/", NULL}

All the possible Mime-types for M3U8 files


const char* const GF_DASH_SMOOTH_MIME_TYPES[] = { "application/", NULL}

All the possible Mime-types for Smooth files