Documentation of the core library of GPAC

ROUTE ATSC 3.0 receiver. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ROUTE:

Data Structures

struct  GF_LCTFragInfo
struct  GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo


#define GF_ATSC_MCAST_ADDR   ""
#define GF_ATSC_MCAST_PORT   4937


typedef struct __gf_routedmx GF_ROUTEDmx


enum  GF_ROUTEEventType {
enum  {
  GF_LCT_EXT_FDT = 192 , GF_LCT_EXT_CENC = 193 , GF_LCT_EXT_TOL24 = 194 , GF_LCT_EXT_TOL48 = 67


GF_ROUTEDmxgf_route_atsc_dmx_new (const char *ifce, u32 sock_buffer_size, void(*on_event)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo), void *udta)
GF_ROUTEDmxgf_route_atsc_dmx_new_ex (const char *ifce, u32 sock_buffer_size, const char *netcap_id, void(*on_event)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo), void *udta)
GF_ROUTEDmxgf_route_dmx_new (const char *ip, u32 port, const char *ifce, u32 sock_buffer_size, void(*on_event)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo), void *udta)
GF_ROUTEDmxgf_route_dmx_new_ex (const char *ip, u32 port, const char *ifce, u32 sock_buffer_size, const char *netcap_id, void(*on_event)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo), void *udta)
GF_ROUTEDmxgf_dvb_mabr_dmx_new (const char *ip, u32 port, const char *ifce, u32 sock_buffer_size, const char *netcap_id, void(*on_event)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo), void *udta)
void gf_route_dmx_del (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_process (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_set_reorder (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, Bool reorder_needed, u32 timeout_us)
GF_Err gf_route_set_dispatch_mode (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, GF_RouteProgressiveDispatch dispatch_mode)
GF_Err gf_route_atsc3_tune_in (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, Bool tune_others)
u32 gf_route_dmx_get_object_count (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_remove_object_by_name (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, char *fileName, Bool purge_previous)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_force_keep_object_by_name (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, char *fileName)
Bool gf_route_dmx_remove_first_object (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id)
Bool gf_route_dmx_find_atsc3_service (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id)
void gf_route_dmx_purge_objects (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id)
u64 gf_route_dmx_get_first_packet_time (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
u64 gf_route_dmx_get_last_packet_time (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
u64 gf_route_dmx_get_nb_packets (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
u64 gf_route_dmx_get_recv_bytes (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)
void gf_route_dmx_debug_tsi (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 tsi)
void gf_route_dmx_set_service_udta (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, void *udta)
void * gf_route_dmx_get_service_udta (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_patch_frag_info (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo, u32 br_start, u32 br_end)
GF_Err gf_route_dmx_mark_active_quality (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx, u32 service_id, const char *period_id, s32 as_id, const char *rep_id, Bool is_selected)
void gf_route_dmx_reset_all (GF_ROUTEDmx *routedmx)

Detailed Description

The ROUTE receiver implements part of the ATSC 3.0 specification, mostly low-level signaling and ROUTE reception. It gathers objects from a ROUTE session and sends them back to the user through a callback, or deletes them if no callback is sent. The route demuxer does not try to repairing files, it is the user responsibility to do so.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ GF_LCTFragInfo

struct GF_LCTFragInfo

LCT fragment information

Data Fields
u32 offset

offset in bytes of fragment in object / file

u32 size

size in bytes of fragment in object / file

◆ GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo

struct GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo

Structure used to communicate file objects properties to the user

+ Collaboration diagram for GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo:
Data Fields
const char * filename

original file name

const char * mime

mime type if known, NULL otherwise

GF_Blob * blob

blob data pointer - the route user is responsible for setting the blob flags if desired

u32 total_size

total size of object if known, 0 otherwise

u32 tsi

object TSI

u32 toi

object TOI

u32 download_ms

download time in ms

Bool updated

flag set if file content has been modified - not set for GF_ROUTE_EVT_DYN_SEG (always true)

Bool first_toi_received

flag set if first segment has been received for the given TSI - not set for init segments

u32 nb_frags

number of fragments, only set for GF_ROUTE_EVT_DYN_SEG

GF_LCTFragInfo * frags

fragment info, set for all file events - this info is shared with the LCT object being reassembled and should not be modified concurrently from route demux Any reallocation of the fragment info SHALL be done using gf_route_dmx_patch_frag_info

u32 late_fragment_offset

offset of late received data, only for GF_ROUTE_EVT_LATE_DATA

GF_LCTObjectPartial partial
void * udta

user data set to current object after callback, and passed back on next callbacks on same object Only used for GF_ROUTE_EVT_FILE, GF_ROUTE_EVT_DYN_SEG, GF_ROUTE_EVT_DYN_SEG_FRAG and GF_ROUTE_EVT_FILE_DELETE

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GF_ATSC_MCAST_ADDR   ""

ATSC3.0 bootstrap address for LLS


#define GF_ATSC_MCAST_PORT   4937

ATSC3.0 bootstrap port for LLS

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct __gf_routedmx GF_ROUTEDmx

The GF_ROUTEDmx object.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GF_ROUTEEventType

The types of events used to communicate withe the demuxer user.


A new service is detected, service ID is in evt_param, no file info


Service scan completed, no evt_param, no file info


New MPD or HLS master playlist available for service, service ID is in evt_param, file info carries manifest info


HLS variant update for service, service ID is in evt_param, file info carries variant info


static file update (with predefined TOI), service ID is in evt_param


Segment reception, identified through a file template, service ID is in evt_param


fragment reception (part of a segment), identified through a file template, service ID is in evt_param

The data always begins at the start of the object

Object deletion (only for dynamic TOIs), used to notify the cache that an object is no longer available. File info only contains the filename being removed


Delayed data reception

◆ GF_LCTObjectPartial

Type of partial event

◆ GF_RouteProgressiveDispatch

Progressive dispatch mode for LCT objects


notification is only sent once the entire object is received


notifications are sent whenever the first byte-range starting at 0 changes, in which case the partial field is set to GF_LCTO_PARTIAL_BEGIN


notifications are sent whenever a new packet is received, in which case the partial field is set to GF_LCTO_PARTIAL_ANY

Function Documentation

◆ gf_route_atsc_dmx_new()

GF_ROUTEDmx* gf_route_atsc_dmx_new ( const char *  ifce,
u32  sock_buffer_size,
void(*)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo)  on_event,
void *  udta 

Creates a new ROUTE ATSC3.0 demultiplexer

ifcenetwork interface to monitor, NULL for INADDR_ANY
sock_buffer_sizedefault buffer size for the udp sockets. If 0, uses 0x2000
on_eventthe user callback function
udtathe user data passed back by the callback
the ROUTE demultiplexer created

◆ gf_route_atsc_dmx_new_ex()

GF_ROUTEDmx* gf_route_atsc_dmx_new_ex ( const char *  ifce,
u32  sock_buffer_size,
const char *  netcap_id,
void(*)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo)  on_event,
void *  udta 

Creates a new ROUTE ATSC3.0 demultiplexer

ifcenetwork interface to monitor, NULL for INADDR_ANY
sock_buffer_sizedefault buffer size for the udp sockets. If 0, uses 0x2000
netcap_idID of netcap configuration to use, may be null (see gpac -h netcap)
on_eventthe user callback function
udtathe user data passed back by the callback
the ROUTE demultiplexer created

◆ gf_route_dmx_new()

GF_ROUTEDmx* gf_route_dmx_new ( const char *  ip,
u32  port,
const char *  ifce,
u32  sock_buffer_size,
void(*)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo)  on_event,
void *  udta 

Creates a new ROUTE demultiplexer

ipIP address of ROUTE session
portport of ROUTE session
ifcenetwork interface to monitor, NULL for INADDR_ANY
sock_buffer_sizedefault buffer size for the udp sockets. If 0, uses 0x2000
on_eventthe user callback function
udtathe user data passed back by the callback
the ROUTE demultiplexer created

◆ gf_route_dmx_new_ex()

GF_ROUTEDmx* gf_route_dmx_new_ex ( const char *  ip,
u32  port,
const char *  ifce,
u32  sock_buffer_size,
const char *  netcap_id,
void(*)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo)  on_event,
void *  udta 

Creates a new ROUTE demultiplexer

ipIP address of ROUTE session
portport of ROUTE session
ifcenetwork interface to monitor, NULL for INADDR_ANY
sock_buffer_sizedefault buffer size for the udp sockets. If 0, uses 0x2000
netcap_idID of netcap configuration to use, may be null (see gpac -h netcap)
on_eventthe user callback function
udtathe user data passed back by the callback
the ROUTE demultiplexer created

◆ gf_dvb_mabr_dmx_new()

GF_ROUTEDmx* gf_dvb_mabr_dmx_new ( const char *  ip,
u32  port,
const char *  ifce,
u32  sock_buffer_size,
const char *  netcap_id,
void(*)(void *udta, GF_ROUTEEventType evt, u32 evt_param, GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo *finfo)  on_event,
void *  udta 

Creates a new DVB MABR Flute demultiplexer

ipIP address of LCT session carrying the initial FDT
portport of LCT session carrying the initial FDT
ifcenetwork interface to monitor, NULL for INADDR_ANY
sock_buffer_sizedefault buffer size for the udp sockets. If 0, uses 0x2000
netcap_idID of netcap configuration to use, may be null (see gpac -h netcap)
on_eventthe user callback function
udtathe user data passed back by the callback
the demultiplexer created

◆ gf_route_dmx_del()

void gf_route_dmx_del ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Deletes an ROUTE demultiplexer

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer to delete

◆ gf_route_dmx_process()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_process ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Processes demultiplexing, returns when nothing to read

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
error code if any, GF_IP_NETWORK_EMPTY if nothing was read

◆ gf_route_dmx_set_reorder()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_set_reorder ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
Bool  reorder_needed,
u32  timeout_us 

Sets reordering on.

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
reorder_neededif TRUE, the order flag in ROUTE/LCT is ignored and objects are gathered for the given time. Otherwise, if order flag is set in ROUTE/LCT, an object is considered done as soon as a new object starts
timeout_usmaximum delay in microseconds to wait before considering the object is done when ROUTE/LCT order is not used. A value of 0 implies any out-of-order packet triggers a download completion (default value is 1 ms).
error code if any

◆ gf_route_set_dispatch_mode()

GF_Err gf_route_set_dispatch_mode ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
GF_RouteProgressiveDispatch  dispatch_mode 

Allow segments to be sent while being downloaded.

Files with a static TOI association are always sent once completely received, other files using TOI templating may be sent while being received if enabled. The data sent is always contiguous data since the beginning of the file in that case.
routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
dispatch_modeset dispatch mode
error code if any

◆ gf_route_atsc3_tune_in()

GF_Err gf_route_atsc3_tune_in ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
Bool  tune_others 

Sets the service ID to tune into for ATSC 3.0

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to tune in. 0 means no service, 0xFFFFFFFF means all services and 0xFFFFFFFE means first service found
tune_othersif set, will tune all non-selected services to get the MPD, but won't receive any media data
error code if any

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_object_count()

u32 gf_route_dmx_get_object_count ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id 

Gets the number of objects currently loaded in the service

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to query
number of objects in service

◆ gf_route_dmx_remove_object_by_name()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_remove_object_by_name ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
char *  fileName,
Bool  purge_previous 

Removes an object with a given filename

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to query
fileNamename of the file associated with the object
purge_previousif set, indicates that all objects with the same TSI and a TOI less than TOI of the deleted object will be removed
error if any, GF_NOT_FOUND if no such object

◆ gf_route_dmx_force_keep_object_by_name()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_force_keep_object_by_name ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
char *  fileName 

Flags an object to be kept until gf_route_dmx_remove_object_by_name is called

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to query
fileNamename of the file associated with the object
error if any, GF_NOT_FOUND if no such object

◆ gf_route_dmx_remove_first_object()

Bool gf_route_dmx_remove_first_object ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id 

Removes the first object loaded in the service

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to query
GF_TRUE if success, GF_FALSE if no object could be removed (the object is in download)

◆ gf_route_dmx_find_atsc3_service()

Bool gf_route_dmx_find_atsc3_service ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id 

Checks existence of a service for atsc 3.0

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to query
true if service is found, false otherwise

◆ gf_route_dmx_purge_objects()

void gf_route_dmx_purge_objects ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id 

Removes all non-signaling objects (ie TSI!=0), keeping only init segments and currently/last downloaded objects

this is mostly useful in case of looping session, or at MPD switch boundaries
routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idID of the service to cleanup

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_first_packet_time()

u64 gf_route_dmx_get_first_packet_time ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Gets high resolution system time clock of the first packet received

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
system clock in microseconds of first packet received

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_last_packet_time()

u64 gf_route_dmx_get_last_packet_time ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Gets high resolution system time clock of the last packet received

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
system clock in microseconds of last packet received

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_nb_packets()

u64 gf_route_dmx_get_nb_packets ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Gets the number of packets received since start of the session, for all active services

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
number of packets received

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_recv_bytes()

u64 gf_route_dmx_get_recv_bytes ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Gets the number of bytes received since start of the session, for all active services

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
number of bytes received

◆ gf_route_dmx_debug_tsi()

void gf_route_dmx_debug_tsi ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  tsi 

Gather only objects with given TSI (for debug purposes)

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
tsithe target TSI, 0 for no filtering

◆ gf_route_dmx_set_service_udta()

void gf_route_dmx_set_service_udta ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
void *  udta 

Sets udta for given service id

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idthe target service
udtathe target user data

◆ gf_route_dmx_get_service_udta()

void* gf_route_dmx_get_service_udta ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id 

Gets udta for given service id

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idthe target service
the user data associated with the service

◆ gf_route_dmx_patch_frag_info()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_patch_frag_info ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
GF_ROUTEEventFileInfo finfo,
u32  br_start,
u32  br_end 

Patch fragment info of object after a repair

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idthe target service
finfofile info event as passed to the caller. Only tsi and toi info are used to loacate the object. The frags and nb_frags fileds are updated by this function
br_startstart offset of byte range being patched
br_endend offset of byte range being patched
error if any

◆ gf_route_dmx_mark_active_quality()

GF_Err gf_route_dmx_mark_active_quality ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx,
u32  service_id,
const char *  period_id,
s32  as_id,
const char *  rep_id,
Bool  is_selected 

Set active status of a representation

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer
service_idthe target service
period_idID of the DASH period containing the representation, may be NULL
as_idID of the DASH adaptation set containing the representation, may be 0
rep_idID of the period containing the representation or HLS variant playlist URL, shall not be NULL
is_selectedrepresentation status
error if any

◆ gf_route_dmx_reset_all()

void gf_route_dmx_reset_all ( GF_ROUTEDmx routedmx)

Cancel all current transfer on all services

routedmxthe ROUTE demultiplexer