DASH Client API. The DASH client can be used without GPAC player but requires at least the base utils (threads, lists, NTP timing). The HTTP interface used can be either GPAC's one or any other downloader.
GF_DashClient * | gf_dash_new (GF_DASHFileIO *dash_io, u32 max_cache_duration, s32 auto_switch_count, Bool keep_files, Bool disable_switching, GF_DASHInitialSelectionMode first_select_mode, u32 initial_time_shift_value) |
void | gf_dash_del (GF_DashClient *dash) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_open (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *manifest_url) |
void | gf_dash_close (GF_DashClient *dash) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_process (GF_DashClient *dash) |
const char * | gf_dash_get_url (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_m3u8 (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_smooth_streaming (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_get_info (GF_DashClient *dash, const char **title, const char **source) |
void | gf_dash_switch_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool switch_up) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_running (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_in_setup (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Double | gf_dash_get_duration (GF_DashClient *dash) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_timeshift (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 ms_in_timeshift) |
u32 | gf_dash_get_group_count (GF_DashClient *dash) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_group_udta (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index, void *udta) |
void * | gf_dash_get_group_udta (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_group_selected (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_index) |
s32 | gf_dash_group_has_dependent_group (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
u32 | gf_dash_group_get_num_groups_depending_on (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
s32 | gf_dash_get_dependent_group_index (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 group_depending_on_dep_idx) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_group_selectable (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_group_select (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Bool select) |
s32 | gf_dash_group_get_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
const char * | gf_dash_get_period_id (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_enable_group_selection (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_init_segment_is_media (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_groups_set_language (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *lang_code_rfc_5646) |
const char * | gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_url (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u64 *start_range, u64 *end_range, const char **mime) |
const char * | gf_dash_group_get_segment_init_keys (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *crypto_type, bin128 *key_IV) |
const char * | gf_dash_group_get_language (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
u32 | gf_dash_group_get_audio_channels (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
u32 | gf_dash_group_get_time_shift_buffer_depth (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
Double | gf_dash_get_timeshift_buffer_pos (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_group_set_codec_stat (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 avg_dec_time, u32 max_dec_time, u32 irap_avg_dec_time, u32 irap_max_dec_time, Bool codec_reset, Bool decode_only_rap) |
void | gf_dash_group_set_buffer_levels (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 buffer_min_ms, u32 buffer_max_ms, u32 buffer_occupancy_ms) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_set_max_buffer_playout (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 max_target_buffer_ms) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_enum_descriptor (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, GF_DashDescriptorType desc_type, u32 role_idx, const char **desc_id, const char **desc_scheme, const char **desc_value) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_get_next_segment_location (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dependent_representation_index, const char **url, u64 *start_range, u64 *end_range, s32 *switching_index, const char **switching_url, u64 *switching_start_range, u64 *switching_end_range, const char **original_url, Bool *has_next_segment, const char **key_url, bin128 *key_IV, u64 *utc) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_next_seg_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dependent_representation_index, const char **seg_name, u32 *seg_number, GF_Fraction64 *seg_time, u32 *seg_dur_ms, const char **init_segment) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_loop_detected (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_low_latency (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_get_segment_duration (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *duration, u32 *timescale) |
const char * | gf_dash_group_get_representation_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
Double | gf_dash_group_get_start_range (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_group_discard_segment (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_set_group_done (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Bool done) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_get_presentation_time_offset (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u64 *presentation_time_offset, u32 *timescale) |
Bool | gf_dash_in_last_period (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool check_eos) |
Bool | gf_dash_get_group_done (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
u32 | gf_dash_get_period_switch_status (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_request_period_switch (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Bool | gf_dash_in_period_setup (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_seek (GF_DashClient *dash, Double start_range) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_segment_switch_forced (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_get_video_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *max_width, u32 *max_height) |
void | gf_dash_group_seek (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, Double seek_to) |
void | gf_dash_set_speed (GF_DashClient *dash, Double speed) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_check_bandwidth (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 bits_per_sec, u64 total_bytes, u64 bytes_done, u64 us_since_start) |
void | gf_dash_enable_utc_drift_compensation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool estimate_utc_drift) |
Bool | gf_dash_is_dynamic_mpd (GF_DashClient *dash) |
u32 | gf_dash_get_min_buffer_time (GF_DashClient *dash) |
u32 | gf_dash_get_max_segment_duration (GF_DashClient *dash) |
s32 | gf_dash_get_utc_drift_estimate (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_set_utc_shift (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 shift_utc_ms) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_max_resolution (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 width, u32 height, u8 max_display_bpp) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_min_timeout_between_404 (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 min_timeout_between_404) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_segment_expiration_threshold (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 expire_after_ms) |
void | gf_dash_debug_groups (GF_DashClient *dash, const u32 *groups_idx, u32 nb_groups) |
void | gf_dash_split_adaptation_sets (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_set_low_latency_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHLowLatencyMode low_lat_mode) |
void | gf_dash_set_user_buffer (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 buffer_time_ms) |
void | gf_dash_set_switching_probe_count (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 switch_probe_count) |
void | gf_dash_set_agressive_adaptation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_agressive_switch) |
void | gf_dash_enable_single_range_llhls (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_single_range) |
void | gf_dash_set_auto_switch (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 auto_switch_count, Bool auto_switch_loop) |
void | gf_dash_enable_cross_as_switch (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHCrossASMode cross_as_mode) |
u64 | gf_dash_get_period_start (GF_DashClient *dash) |
u64 | gf_dash_get_period_duration (GF_DashClient *dash) |
u32 | gf_dash_group_get_num_qualities (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
u32 | gf_dash_group_get_num_components (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_disable_speed_adaptation (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool disable) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_get_quality_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 quality_idx, GF_DASHQualityInfo *quality) |
char * | gf_dash_group_get_template (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *segment_timeline_timescale, const char **init_url, const char **hls_variant) |
Bool | gf_dash_get_automatic_switching (GF_DashClient *dash) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_set_automatic_switching (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool enable_switching) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_select_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, const char *ID, u32 q_idx) |
s32 | gf_dash_group_get_active_quality (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_override_ntp (GF_DashClient *dash, u64 server_ntp) |
void | gf_dash_set_tile_adaptation_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode mode, u32 tile_rate_decrease) |
void | gf_dash_disable_low_quality_tiles (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool disable_tiles) |
GF_DASHTileAdaptationMode | gf_dash_get_tile_adaptation_mode (GF_DashClient *dash) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_get_srd_max_size_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *max_width, u32 *max_height) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_get_srd_info (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 *srd_id, u32 *srd_x, u32 *srd_y, u32 *srd_w, u32 *srd_h, u32 *srd_width, u32 *srd_height) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_set_quality_degradation_hint (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 quality_degradation_hint) |
GF_Err | gf_dash_group_set_visible_rect (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 min_x, u32 max_x, u32 min_y, u32 max_y, Bool is_gaze) |
void | gf_dash_ignore_xlink (GF_DashClient *dash, Bool ignore_xlink) |
Bool | gf_dash_all_groups_done (GF_DashClient *dash) |
void | gf_dash_set_period_xlink_query_string (GF_DashClient *dash, const char *query_string) |
void | gf_dash_set_chaining_mode (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 chaining_mode) |
void | gf_dash_set_algo (GF_DashClient *dash, GF_DASHAdaptationAlgorithm algo) |
void | gf_dash_set_group_download_state (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dep_rep_idx, GF_Err err) |
void | gf_dash_group_store_stats (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, u32 dep_rep_idx, u32 bytes_per_sec, u64 file_size, Bool is_broadcast, u64 us_since_start) |
void | gf_dash_set_suggested_presentation_delay (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 spd) |
void | gf_dash_set_mcast_ast_shift (GF_DashClient *dash, s32 ast_shift) |
u32 | gf_dash_get_min_wait_ms (GF_DashClient *dash) |
s32 | gf_dash_group_get_as_id (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
Bool | gf_dash_group_has_init_segment (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx) |
void | gf_dash_group_get_sar (GF_DashClient *dash, u32 group_idx, GF_Fraction *sar) |
void | gf_dash_set_algo_custom (GF_DashClient *dash, void *udta, gf_dash_rate_adaptation algo_custom, gf_dash_download_monitor download_monitor_custom) |