GF_EVGStencil * | gf_evg_stencil_new (GF_StencilType type) |
void | gf_evg_stencil_delete (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_Matrix2D *mat) |
Bool | gf_evg_stencil_get_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_Matrix2D *mat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_auto_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Bool auto_on) |
Bool | gf_evg_stencil_get_auto_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_StencilType | gf_evg_stencil_type (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_brush_color (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_Color color) |
GF_Color | gf_evg_stencil_get_brush_color (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_gradient_mode (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_GradientMode mode) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_linear_gradient (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Fixed start_x, Fixed start_y, Fixed end_x, Fixed end_y) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_radial_gradient (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Fixed cx, Fixed cy, Fixed fx, Fixed fy, Fixed x_radius, Fixed y_radius) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_gradient_interpolation (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Fixed *pos, GF_Color *col, u32 count) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_push_gradient_interpolation (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Fixed pos, GF_Color col) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_alpha (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, u8 alpha) |
u8 | gf_evg_stencil_get_alpha (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
Bool | gf_evg_texture_format_ok (GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_texture (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, u8 *pixels, u32 width, u32 height, u32 stride, GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_texture_planes (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, u32 width, u32 height, GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat, const u8 *y_or_rgb, u32 stride, const u8 *u_plane, const u8 *v_plane, u32 uv_stride, const u8 *alpha_plane, u32 alpha_stride) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_palette (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, const u8 *palette, u32 pix_fmt, u32 nb_cols) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_texture_parametric (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, u32 width, u32 height, GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat, gf_evg_texture_callback callback, void *cbk_udta, Bool use_screen_coords) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_mapping (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_TextureMapFlags map_mode) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_pad_color (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_Color pad_color) |
u32 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pad_color (GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_filter (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_TextureFilter filter_mode) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_set_color_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_ColorMatrix *cmat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_stencil_get_color_matrix (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, GF_ColorMatrix *cmat) |
u32 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, s32 x, s32 y) |
u32 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel_yuv (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, s32 x, s32 y) |
u64 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel_wide (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, s32 x, s32 y) |
u64 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel_yuv_wide (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, s32 x, s32 y) |
GF_Vec4 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel_f (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Float x, Float y) |
GF_Vec4 | gf_evg_stencil_get_pixel_yuv_f (GF_EVGStencil *stencil, Float x, Float y) |
GF_EVGSurface * | gf_evg_surface_new (Bool center_coords) |
void | gf_evg_surface_delete (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_enable_threading (GF_EVGSurface *surf, s32 nb_threads) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_attach_to_texture (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGStencil *sten) |
Bool | gf_evg_surface_format_ok (GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_attach_to_buffer (GF_EVGSurface *surf, u8 *pixels, u32 width, u32 height, s32 pitch_x, s32 pitch_y, GF_PixelFormat pixelFormat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_raster_level (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_RasterQuality level) |
GF_RasterQuality | gf_evg_surface_get_raster_level (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_force_aa (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_matrix (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Matrix2D *mat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_matrix_3d (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Matrix *mat) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_clipper (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_IRect *rc) |
Bool | gf_evg_surface_use_clipper (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_path (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Path *path) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_fill (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGStencil *stencil) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_multi_fill (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGMultiTextureMode operand, GF_EVGStencil *sten1, GF_EVGStencil *sten2, GF_EVGStencil *sten3, Float params[4]) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_clear (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_IRect *rc, GF_Color col) |
void | gf_evg_surface_set_center_coords (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool center_coords) |
void | gf_evg_surface_set_composite_mode (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGCompositeMode comp_mode) |
void | gf_evg_surface_set_alpha_callback (GF_EVGSurface *surf, gf_evg_get_alpha get_alpha, void *cbk) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_enable_3d (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_projection (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Matrix *mx) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_modelview (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Matrix *mx) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_draw_array (GF_EVGSurface *surf, u32 *indices, u32 nb_indices, Float *vertices, u32 nb_vertices, u32 nb_comp, GF_EVGPrimitiveType prim_type) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_clear_depth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float depth) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_viewport (GF_EVGSurface *surf, u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_draw_path (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Path *path, Float z) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_set_depth_test (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGDepthTest mode) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_fragment_shader (GF_EVGSurface *surf, gf_evg_fragment_shader shader, gf_evg_fragment_shader_init shader_init, void *shader_udta) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_vertex_shader (GF_EVGSurface *surf, gf_evg_vertex_shader shader, void *shader_udta) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_ccw (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool is_ccw) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_backcull (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool backcull) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_antialias (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool antialias) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_min_depth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float min_depth) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_max_depth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float max_depth) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_clip_zero (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool clip_zero) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_point_size (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float size) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_line_size (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float size) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_point_smooth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool smooth) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_disable_early_depth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool disable) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_write_depth (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Bool do_write) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_depth_buffer (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float *depth) |
GF_Err | gf_gf_evg_rgb_to_yuv_f (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float *y, Float *cb, Float *cr) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_yuv_to_rgb_f (GF_EVGSurface *surf, Float y, Float cb, Float cr, Float *r, Float *g, Float *b) |
void | gf_evg_rgb_to_yuv (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Color col, u8 *y, u8 *cb, u8 *cr) |
GF_Color | gf_evg_argb_to_ayuv (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Color col) |
GF_Color | gf_evg_ayuv_to_argb (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_Color col) |
u64 | gf_evg_argb_to_ayuv_wide (GF_EVGSurface *surf, u64 col) |
u64 | gf_evg_ayuv_to_argb_wide (GF_EVGSurface *surf, u64 col) |
GF_Err | gf_evg_surface_set_mask_mode (GF_EVGSurface *surf, GF_EVGMaskMode mask_mode) |
GF_EVGMaskMode | gf_evg_surface_get_mask_mode (GF_EVGSurface *surf) |
This file contains all defined functions for 2D vector graphics of the GPAC framework.