GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_get_bit_size (u32 MaxVal) |
| Field bit-size. More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_irect_union (GF_IRect *rc1, GF_IRect *rc2) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Point2D | gf_v2d_from_polar (Fixed length, Fixed angle) |
| 2D vector from polar coordinates More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_v2d_len (GF_Point2D *vec) |
| get 2D vector length More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_v2d_distance (GF_Point2D *a, GF_Point2D *b) |
| get distance between 2 points More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_angle_diff (Fixed angle1, Fixed angle2) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_matrix (GF_Matrix2D *_this, GF_Matrix2D *from) |
| 2D matrix multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_pre_multiply (GF_Matrix2D *_this, GF_Matrix2D *with) |
| 2D matrix pre-multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_translation (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed cx, Fixed cy) |
| matrix translating More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_rotation (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed cx, Fixed cy, Fixed angle) |
| matrix rotating More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_scale (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed scale_x, Fixed scale_y) |
| matrix scaling More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_scale_at (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed scale_x, Fixed scale_y, Fixed cx, Fixed cy, Fixed angle) |
| matrix uncentered scaling More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_skew (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed skew_x, Fixed skew_y) |
| matrix skewing More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_skew_x (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed angle) |
| matrix horizontal skewing More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_add_skew_y (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed angle) |
| matrix vertical skewing More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_inverse (GF_Matrix2D *_this) |
| matrix inversing More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_mx2d_decompose (GF_Matrix2D *mx, GF_Point2D *scale, Fixed *rotate, GF_Point2D *translate) |
| matrix decomposition More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_apply_coords (GF_Matrix2D *_this, Fixed *x, Fixed *y) |
| matrix coordinate transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_apply_point (GF_Matrix2D *_this, GF_Point2D *pt) |
| matrix point transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_apply_rect (GF_Matrix2D *_this, GF_Rect *rc) |
| matrix rectangle transformation More...
GF_EXPORT GF_IRect | gf_rect_pixelize (GF_Rect *r) |
| gets the pixelized version of a rectangle More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_rect_union (GF_Rect *rc1, GF_Rect *rc2) |
| rectangle union More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Rect | gf_rect_center (Fixed w, Fixed h) |
| centers a rectangle More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_rect_overlaps (GF_Rect rc1, GF_Rect rc2) |
| rectangle overlap test More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_rect_equal (GF_Rect *rc1, GF_Rect *rc2) |
| rectangle identity test More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_rect_intersect (GF_Rect *rc1, GF_Rect *rc2) |
| rectangle intersection More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_len_p (GF_Vec *v) |
| get 3D vector length More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_len (GF_Vec v) |
| get 3D vector length More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_lensq_p (GF_Vec *v) |
| get 3D vector square length More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_lensq (GF_Vec v) |
| get 3D vector square length More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_dot_p (GF_Vec *v1, GF_Vec *v2) |
| get 3D vector dot product More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_vec_dot (GF_Vec v1, GF_Vec v2) |
| get 3D vector dot product More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_vec_norm (GF_Vec *v) |
| vector normalization More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_vec_scale_p (GF_Vec *v, Fixed f) |
| vector scaling More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_vec_scale (GF_Vec v, Fixed f) |
| vector scaling More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_vec_cross_p (GF_Vec *v1, GF_Vec *v2) |
| vector cross product More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_vec_cross (GF_Vec v1, GF_Vec v2) |
| vector cross product More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx2d_from_mx (GF_Matrix2D *mat2D, GF_Matrix *mat) |
| matrix to 2D matrix More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_rect (GF_Matrix *mat, GF_Rect *rc) |
| matrix rectangle transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_matrix (GF_Matrix *mat, GF_Matrix *mul) |
| matrices multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_matrix_2d (GF_Matrix *mat, GF_Matrix2D *mat2D) |
| 2D matrix multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_translation (GF_Matrix *mat, Fixed tx, Fixed ty, Fixed tz) |
| matrix translation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_scale (GF_Matrix *mat, Fixed sx, Fixed sy, Fixed sz) |
| matrix scaling More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_rotation (GF_Matrix *mat, Fixed angle, Fixed x, Fixed y, Fixed z) |
| matrix rotating More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_from_mx2d (GF_Matrix *mat, GF_Matrix2D *mat2D) |
| matrix constructor from 2D More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_mx_equal (GF_Matrix *mx1, GF_Matrix *mx2) |
| matrix equality testing More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_inverse (GF_Matrix *mx) |
| affine matrix inversion More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_transpose (GF_Matrix *mx) |
| transpose 4x4 matrix More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_vec (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec *pt) |
| matrix point transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_ortho (GF_Matrix *mx, Fixed left, Fixed right, Fixed bottom, Fixed top, Fixed z_near, Fixed z_far) |
| ortho matrix construction More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_ortho_reverse_z (GF_Matrix *mx, Fixed left, Fixed right, Fixed bottom, Fixed top, Fixed z_near, Fixed z_far) |
| ortho matrix with reverse Z construction More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_perspective (GF_Matrix *mx, Fixed fieldOfView, Fixed aspectRatio, Fixed z_near, Fixed z_far) |
| perspective matrix construction More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_perspective_reverse_z (GF_Matrix *mx, Fixed fieldOfView, Fixed aspectRatio, Fixed z_near, Fixed z_far) |
| perspective matrix with reverse Z construction More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_lookat (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec eye, GF_Vec center, GF_Vec upVector) |
| creates look matrix More...
GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_from_matrix (GF_Matrix *mx) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_get_yaw_pitch_roll (GF_Matrix *mx, Fixed *yaw, Fixed *pitch, Fixed *roll) |
| matrix yaw pitch roll decomposition More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_decompose (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec *translate, GF_Vec *scale, GF_Vec4 *rotate, GF_Vec *shear) |
| matrix decomposition More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_bbox_sphere (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_BBox *box) |
| matrix box sphere transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_bbox (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_BBox *box) |
| matrix box transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_bbox_4x4 (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_BBox *box) |
| matrix box transformation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_rotate_vector (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec *pt) |
| matrix vector rotation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_rotation_matrix_from_vectors (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec x, GF_Vec y, GF_Vec z) |
| matrix initialization from vectors More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_add_matrix_4x4 (GF_Matrix *mat, GF_Matrix *mul) |
| non-affine matrix multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_vec_4x4 (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Vec4 *vec) |
| matrix 4D vector transformation More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_mx_inverse_4x4 (GF_Matrix *mx) |
| non-affine matrix inversion More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_plane_intersect_line (GF_Plane *plane, GF_Vec *linepoint, GF_Vec *linevec, GF_Vec *outPoint) |
| plane line intersection More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Ray | gf_ray (GF_Vec start, GF_Vec end) |
| ray constructor More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_ray (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Ray *r) |
| matrix ray transformation More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_ray_hit_box (GF_Ray *ray, GF_Vec box_min, GF_Vec box_max, GF_Vec *outPoint) |
| ray box intersection test More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_ray_hit_sphere (GF_Ray *ray, GF_Vec *center, Fixed radius, GF_Vec *outPoint) |
| ray sphere intersection test More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_ray_hit_triangle (GF_Ray *ray, GF_Vec *v0, GF_Vec *v1, GF_Vec *v2, Fixed *dist) |
| ray triangle intersection test More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_closest_point_to_line (GF_Vec line_pt, GF_Vec line_vec, GF_Vec pt) |
| closest point on a line More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_to_rotation (GF_Vec4 *quat) |
| quaternion to rotation More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_from_rotation (GF_Vec4 rot) |
| quaternion from rotation More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_from_axis_cos (GF_Vec axis, Fixed cos_a) |
| quaternion from axis and cos More...
static void | gf_quat_conjugate (GF_Vec4 *quat) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_get_inv (GF_Vec4 *quat) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_multiply (GF_Vec4 *q1, GF_Vec4 *q2) |
| quaternion multiplication More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec | gf_quat_rotate (GF_Vec4 *quat, GF_Vec *vec) |
| quaternion vector rotating More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Vec4 | gf_quat_slerp (GF_Vec4 q1, GF_Vec4 q2, Fixed frac) |
| quaternion interpolation More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_bbox_refresh (GF_BBox *b) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_bbox_from_rect (GF_BBox *box, GF_Rect *rc) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_rect_from_bbox (GF_Rect *rc, GF_BBox *box) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_bbox_grow_point (GF_BBox *box, GF_Vec pt) |
| bounding box expansion More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_bbox_union (GF_BBox *b1, GF_BBox *b2) |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_bbox_equal (GF_BBox *b1, GF_BBox *b2) |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_bbox_point_inside (GF_BBox *box, GF_Vec *p) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_bbox_get_vertices (GF_Vec bmin, GF_Vec bmax, GF_Vec *vecs) |
| get box vertices More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_mx_apply_plane (GF_Matrix *mx, GF_Plane *plane) |
| matrix plane transformation More...
GF_EXPORT Fixed | gf_plane_get_distance (GF_Plane *plane, GF_Vec *p) |
| point to plane distance More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_plane_get_p_vertex_idx (GF_Plane *p) |
| box p-vertex index More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_bbox_plane_relation (GF_BBox *box, GF_Plane *p) |
| box-plane relation More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_get_next_pow2 (u32 s) |
| Get power of 2. More...