Documentation of the core library of GPAC
descriptors.c File Reference
+ Include dependency graph for descriptors.c:


s32 gf_odf_size_field_size (u32 size_desc)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_parse_descriptor (GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Descriptor **desc, u32 *desc_size)
GF_Err gf_odf_delete_descriptor_list (GF_List *descList)
GF_Err gf_odf_write_base_descriptor (GF_BitStream *bs, u8 tag, u32 size)
GF_Err gf_odf_size_descriptor_list (GF_List *descList, u32 *outSize)
GF_Err gf_odf_write_descriptor_list (GF_BitStream *bs, GF_List *descList)
GF_Err gf_odf_write_descriptor_list_filter (GF_BitStream *bs, GF_List *descList, u8 only_tag)
u32 gf_ipmpx_array_size (GF_BitStream *bs, u32 *array_size)
void gf_ipmpx_write_array (GF_BitStream *bs, u8 *data, u32 data_len)
GF_EXPORT GF_BIFSConfiggf_odf_get_bifs_config (GF_DefaultDescriptor *dsi, u32 oti)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_get_laser_config (GF_DefaultDescriptor *dsi, GF_LASERConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_encode_ui_config (GF_UIConfig *cfg, GF_DefaultDescriptor **out_dsi)
GF_EXPORT GF_AVCConfiggf_odf_avc_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_avc_cfg_del (GF_AVCConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_avc_cfg_write_bs (GF_AVCConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_avc_cfg_write (GF_AVCConfig *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_EXPORT GF_AVCConfiggf_odf_avc_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_Descriptorgf_odf_new_tx3g ()
GF_Err gf_odf_del_tx3g (GF_TextSampleDescriptor *sd)
GF_EXPORT GF_TextSampleDescriptorgf_odf_tx3g_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_Err gf_odf_tx3g_write (GF_TextSampleDescriptor *a, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_Descriptorgf_odf_new_text_cfg ()
void ResetTextConfig (GF_TextConfig *desc)
GF_Err gf_odf_del_text_cfg (GF_TextConfig *desc)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_get_text_config (u8 *data, u32 data_len, u32 codecid, GF_TextConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_HEVCConfiggf_odf_hevc_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_hevc_cfg_del (GF_HEVCConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_hevc_cfg_write_bs (GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_hevc_cfg_write (GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_EXPORT GF_HEVCConfiggf_odf_hevc_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs, Bool is_lhvc)
GF_EXPORT GF_HEVCConfiggf_odf_hevc_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size, Bool is_lhvc)
GF_EXPORT GF_VVCConfiggf_odf_vvc_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_vvc_cfg_del (GF_VVCConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_vvc_cfg_write_bs (GF_VVCConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_vvc_cfg_write (GF_VVCConfig *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_EXPORT GF_VVCConfiggf_odf_vvc_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_VVCConfiggf_odf_vvc_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_EXPORT GF_AV1Configgf_odf_av1_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_av1_cfg_del (GF_AV1Config *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_av1_cfg_write_bs (GF_AV1Config *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_av1_cfg_write (GF_AV1Config *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_EXPORT GF_VPConfiggf_odf_vp_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_vp_cfg_del (GF_VPConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_vp_cfg_write_bs (GF_VPConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs, Bool is_v0)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_vp_cfg_write (GF_VPConfig *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize, Bool is_v0)
GF_EXPORT GF_VPConfiggf_odf_vp_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs, Bool is_v0)
GF_EXPORT GF_VPConfiggf_odf_vp_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_EXPORT GF_AV1Configgf_odf_av1_cfg_read_bs_size (GF_BitStream *bs, u32 size)
GF_EXPORT GF_AV1Configgf_odf_av1_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_AV1Configgf_odf_av1_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_DOVIDecoderConfigurationRecordgf_odf_dovi_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_dovi_cfg_del (GF_DOVIDecoderConfigurationRecord *cfg)
GF_Err gf_odf_dovi_cfg_write_bs (GF_DOVIDecoderConfigurationRecord *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_Err gf_odf_ac3_cfg_write_bs (GF_AC3Config *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_Err gf_odf_ac3_cfg_write (GF_AC3Config *cfg, u8 **data, u32 *size)
GF_Err gf_odf_ac3_config_parse_bs (GF_BitStream *bs, Bool is_ec3, GF_AC3Config *cfg)
GF_Err gf_odf_ac3_config_parse (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_len, Bool is_ec3, GF_AC3Config *cfg)
GF_Err gf_odf_opus_cfg_parse_bs (GF_BitStream *bs, GF_OpusConfig *cfg)
GF_Err gf_odf_opus_cfg_parse (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_len, GF_OpusConfig *cfg)
GF_Err gf_odf_opus_cfg_write_bs (GF_OpusConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_Err gf_odf_opus_cfg_write (GF_OpusConfig *cfg, u8 **data, u32 *size)
GF_EXPORT GF_IAConfiggf_odf_ia_cfg_new ()
GF_EXPORT GF_IAConfiggf_odf_ia_cfg_read_bs_size (GF_BitStream *bs, u32 size)
GF_EXPORT GF_IAConfiggf_odf_ia_cfg_read_bs (GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_IAConfiggf_odf_ia_cfg_read (u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_size)
GF_EXPORT void gf_odf_ia_cfg_del (GF_IAConfig *cfg)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_ia_cfg_write_bs (GF_IAConfig *cfg, GF_BitStream *bs)
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_ia_cfg_write (GF_IAConfig *cfg, u8 **outData, u32 *outSize)
GF_EXPORT u32 gf_odf_ia_cfg_size (GF_IAConfig *cfg)

Function Documentation

◆ gf_odf_size_field_size()

s32 gf_odf_size_field_size ( u32  size_desc)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_parse_descriptor()

GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_odf_parse_descriptor ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
GF_Descriptor **  desc,
u32 desc_size 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_delete_descriptor_list()

GF_Err gf_odf_delete_descriptor_list ( GF_List *  descList)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_write_base_descriptor()

GF_Err gf_odf_write_base_descriptor ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
u8  tag,
u32  size 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_size_descriptor_list()

GF_Err gf_odf_size_descriptor_list ( GF_List *  descList,
u32 outSize 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_write_descriptor_list()

GF_Err gf_odf_write_descriptor_list ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
GF_List *  descList 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_write_descriptor_list_filter()

GF_Err gf_odf_write_descriptor_list_filter ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
GF_List *  descList,
u8  only_tag 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_ipmpx_array_size()

u32 gf_ipmpx_array_size ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
u32 array_size 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_ipmpx_write_array()

void gf_ipmpx_write_array ( GF_BitStream *  bs,
u8 data,
u32  data_len 
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_new_tx3g()

GF_Descriptor* gf_odf_new_tx3g ( )
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_del_tx3g()

GF_Err gf_odf_del_tx3g ( GF_TextSampleDescriptor sd)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_new_text_cfg()

GF_Descriptor* gf_odf_new_text_cfg ( )
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ResetTextConfig()

void ResetTextConfig ( GF_TextConfig desc)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gf_odf_del_text_cfg()

GF_Err gf_odf_del_text_cfg ( GF_TextConfig desc)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: